Sassy Developmental Bumpy Ball Review


Baby who is already crawling can benefit from activity balls because they grab their attention and encourage them to move forward.

a baby activity ball for crawling

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Its vivid colors aid in baby’s concentration and improve their vision. They are suitable for a baby’s developing vision.

The ball enhances tactile sensitivity as a result of its varied textures and materials.

A baby is encouraged to reach out, grasp, and manipulate with their small hands by the chunky-sized bumps. This practice is crucial for developing the pincer grasp and fine motor abilities.

The ball creates a soft rattling sound as it moves. This encourages babies to shake or toss it while also stimulating their hearing and teaching them the concepts of cause and consequence. Younger babies can use this activity to practice tracking and following moving objects. And as the child gets bigger, they will take pleasure in chasing and rolling this exercise ball around.

Soft balls are also great for teaching young children the permanence of objects while playing peek-a-boo.

The suggested age range is 0 months to 3 years.

PRO TIP: I also recommend you this Vtech Ball. When you toss it or roll around, it makes noises. This baby crawl toy has soft textures, bright colors and tags which make it really interesting for curious, exploring infants. It features a motion sensor that triggers sounds and phrases, what’s why it’s a great choice for babies learning to crawl.

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